2024 GLOS: What We Saw Photo Booth

One highlight of the 2024 Great Lakes Outdoor Summit was an experiential photo booth from our sponsor What We Saw by Michaela Rai. Michaela reached out months ago and from the beginning had a vision of what she wanted to create... She invited people to sit down, get comfortable, and to share their earliest or most impactful outdoor memory. During this time she learned about "ant lions"; stories of first fish; transformative work that is being done to bring the outdoors to everyone; learned about those who showed you the outdoors and cried with you when the sky gave you sign from your brother after his death.
Thank you for sharing your stories, and thank you Michaela for joining us and for capturing so much beauty in a few tiny frames! Michaela is available for photo, brand, and documentary projects, so follow her journey and reach out for your visual storytelling needs.
You can check out the full gallery and download your pictures at: